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Yuan's NASA AIST Proposal Selected for Funding

Tianle Yuan (613/UMBC) is the PI on the recently awarded NASA AIST proposal, “Building Earth System Digital Twins with Deep Generative Models for Improved Simulation of Clouds and Their Feedbacks...

Posted: December 10, 2024, 3:57 PM

GESTAR II Researchers publish as lead and co-authors

During the past couple of months, several GESTAR II researchers have published as lead author or co-author. Check out the following selected articles. Duncan, B. N., D. C. Anderson (614/UMBC),...

Posted: December 6, 2024, 3:31 PM

Delgado Bonal featured in Conversations with Goddard

Alfonso Delgado-Bonal (613/UMBC) recently was interviewed for "Conversations with Goddard," in which he discussed his interest in cloud behavior from a young age, the importance of the DSCOVR...

Posted: November 27, 2024, 11:02 AM

Soto Ramos featured in Conversations with Goddard

Inia Soto Ramos (616/MSU) recently was interviewed for the feature "Conversations with Goddard." Dr. Soto Ramos discusses her role at Goddard as part of the PACE mission and the SeaBASS team,...

Posted: November 13, 2024, 1:24 PM

GESTAR II Seminar Series, Thurs Nov 14th, 12:30pm (hybrid)

Join us for a hybrid seminar by Dr. Veljko Petković, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)/CISESS, University of Maryland. His talk is titled "Data-driven Precipitation Retrievals:...

Posted: November 11, 2024, 5:23 PM

Arteaga's Proposal Selected for Funding

The NASA ROSES proposal submitted to the Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry program titled "Retrospective analysis and forecasting of the impact of marine heatwaves on oceanic export production”...

Posted: November 5, 2024, 3:36 PM