GESTAR II Student Opportunities

In December 2021, GESTAR II partnered with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Earth Science Division to advance Earth science and Goddard’s leadership by providing a competitive environment to hire and retain high-quality scientists who are on track to be leaders at NASA, in academia and in industry. GESTAR II exemplifies the power of mentorship, embracing a career development strategy that only a university research center can provide. In GESTAR II, early-career researchers and students can build outstanding resumes, launching them to become the Earth science leaders of tomorrow.

GESTAR II has a strong commitment to supporting education and outreach, and fostering collaboration between GESTAR II scientists and students at partner universities.  In particular, GESTAR II provides the following funding opportunities for motived undergraduate and graduate students in physics, chemistry, atmospheric sciences, geography and environmental sciences, as well as information systems, computer science, electrical engineering and other related fields to work with GESTAR II scientists and affiliated faculty in partner universities on a broad range of research projects. For more details, please read the information about the GESTAR II undergraduate and graduate fellowships.