GESTAR II MSU Fellows 2023-2024

Research Mentor: Dhruva Kathuria (618/MSU)

What attracted you to this fellowship opportunity?

As a computer science major, this opportunity presents a platform for shaping my future career path. Having engaged in research during the past summer, I found that I enjoyed the process, thus driving my desire to explore and validate my passion in this field. Furthermore, this experience offers me an opportunity to  expand my knowledge in an unexplored domain and will help me to build a professional network.

Research Mentors: Nikki Prive’ and Erica McGrath-Spangler (both 610.1/MSU)

What attracted you to this fellowship opportunity?

This fellowship opportunity provides the unique chance to explore research as an undergraduate student, and to connect forecast improvement metrics to my field of study, environmental design. This is also a great opportunity for me to further develop my research, writing, and communication skills in a more professional setting.

Research Mentor: Yaping Zhou (613/UMBC)

What attracted you to this fellowship opportunity?

I was drawn to this fellowship opportunity because it aligns perfectly with my interests and skillset. As someone who truly enjoys Python programming, data structures, and algorithms, the chance to refactor a complex algorithm in into Python is immensely exciting. Translating code across languages allows me to learn new concepts and expand my knowledge, which I find incredibly rewarding. Furthermore, I am thrilled at the prospect of learning how to effectively apply software engineering principles and best practices to scientific computing applications through this fellowship experience.

Research Mentor: Thomas Stanley (617/UMBC)

What attracted you to this fellowship opportunity?

I was particularly interested in this fellowship as a rising senior studying in computer science for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I’m excited about the chance to collaborate closely with specialists in the field and business people. I am confident that this experience will considerably improve my technical proficiency and increase my knowledge of computer science’s practical applications.

I consider this fellowship to be a wonderful networking opportunity that may lead to promising future employment opportunities. Overall, I think this fellowship is the ideal setting for me to push myself, absorb the best knowledge, and have a beneficial influence on the field of computer science.

Research Mentors: Ian Carroll and Andy Sayer (both 616/UMBC)

What attracted you to this fellowship opportunity?

The GESTAR II fellowship provides me with a unique opportunity as a computer science student to gain practical work experience, develop a strong professional network, and contribute to the mission of GESTAR II. This fellowship also meant that I would have the opportunity to work at NASA and have access to an incredible wealth of knowledge. It’s NASA! Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to be part of that?