Name: Yu-An Chen
Major/University: Atmospheric Sciences, Colorado State University
Research Title/Project: “Hurricane Dynamics and Predictability: Coupling boundary-layer to cloud observations in a Nonlinear Data Assimilation Framework”
Research Mentors: Stephen Guimond, Peter Jan van Leeuwen (CSU advisor), Chris Slocum, and Steven Miller
What attracted you to this fellowship opportunity?
The GESTAR II fellowship offers an exceptional opportunity to advance my research experiences and engage in collaborative work with GESTAR II scientists, which will foster my career development to evolve into a mature researcher. I am particularly enthusiastic about the research subject proposed by Dr. Stephen Guimond, who focuses on the nonlinear interactions between the small-scale turbulent structure and larger-scale circulation in severe weather systems. Dr. Guimond’s proficiency and access to turbulence-permitting airborne radar data, coupled with the nonlinear data assimilation frameworks developed by our group, should be able to improve model predictability and increase the understanding of nonlinear processes. This collaboration could contribute to the atmospheric dynamics field and provides an ideal opportunity for my professional growth.
Name: Chhaya Kulkarni
Major/University: Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Research Title/Project: “Estimating Radiance Observation Uncertainties from Spatial Footprints”
Research Mentors: Nikki Prive’ (610.1/MSU) and Vandana Janeja (UMBC)
What attracted you to this fellowship opportunity?
The GESTAR II fellowship would allow me to get experience with Global Modeling and Assimilation Office’s (GMAO) offerings. GMAO produces and disseminates a wide variety of products that either directly or indirectly aid current or future NASA satellite missions, field activities, or mission planning. In addition, I could use the simulated data from the observational systems simulated experiments to apply and test my model. As a result, I would be able to gain exposure to cutting-edge technologies, network with knowledgeable mentors, and advance in all aspects of my professional and personal growth.