Thomas, Collow, and Dezfuli publish in GRL
Natalie Thomas (610.1/UMBC), Allison Collow (610.1/UMBC), Michael Bosilovich (610.1/GSFC), and Amin Dezfuli (610.1/UMBC) recently published their paper "Effect of Baseline Period on Quantification of Climate Extremes Over the United States" in Geophysical Research Letters,
"Key Points
Updating the baseline period from 1981-2010 to 1991-2020 leads to significant changes in percentile-based extreme climate indices in the US
Temperature indices show generally increased cold extremes and decreased warm extremes across the US when the baseline period is updated
For precipitation indices, the later baseline period indicates fewer but more intense extreme events in the south and central US."
Posted: September 19, 2023, 4:51 PM