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Lee and Lee publish first-author papers

Jae Lee recently published a 2022 paper in JGR-Atmos.: Lee, J. (613/UMBC) and D. L. Wu (613/GSFC) (2022), Non-Gaussian distributions of TOA SW flux as observed by MISR and CERES, J. Geophys....

Posted: July 15, 2022, 10:58 AM

Summer of SaSa

The Students Airborne Science Activation (SaSa) began its inaugural year in 2022. In Kiswahili, sasa means "now"; as a mission, SaSa means research experiences for 25 students from MSIs. It has...

Posted: July 11, 2022, 3:51 PM

Congratulations to Xiaowen Li

In her leadership role with the GESTAR II cooperative agreement, Xiaowen Li is Chief Scientist. She also is a Morgan State University senior research scientist affiliated with GESTAR II, as part...

Posted: July 8, 2022, 3:06 PM

GESTAR II Seminar Series, Thursday, July 14th at 11:00am

Join us for a virtual seminar by Dr. Xiong Liu from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, part of the Center for Astrophysics / Harvard and Smithsonian. His talk is titled "Two Satellite...

Posted: July 7, 2022, 4:51 PM

Collow publication selected for Eos highlight

Allison Collow (610.1/UMBC) recently published "An Overview of ARTMIP's Tier 2 Reanalysis Intercomparison: Uncertainty in the Detection of Atmospheric Rivers and Their Associated Precipitation"...

Posted: July 7, 2022, 2:51 PM

Kramer and team awarded funding for NASA ROSES proposal

Ryan Kramer (613/UMBC) and his proposal team were awarded funding for their proposal "Investigating the Vertically-Resolved Radiative Constraints on Tropical Precipitation with CloudSat and...

Posted: July 7, 2022, 2:39 PM

Clark's Yukon River watershed study in NCCS Feature

J. Blake Clark (616/UMBC) and Dr. Antonio Mannino (616/GSFC) conducted research related to the Yukon River watershed "to understand the balance between freshwater input and external forces such as...

Posted: June 15, 2022, 6:00 PM

Catching up with Stephen Guimond

Stephen Guimond, who has joined GESTAR II from JCET, is a Research Associate Professor with the Physics Department at UMBC and directs the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (GFD) Group here. Dr. Guimond...

Posted: June 15, 2022, 3:59 PM

JCET and GPHI members at Sun-Climate Symposium

In mid-May 2022, the Sun-Climate Symposium 2022 was held in Madison, WI. Since 2002, this symposium has been a NASA-sponsored multidisciplinary, international science meeting. This year, the...

Posted: June 10, 2022, 12:25 PM