Campbell and Huemmrich with ABOVE program in Arctic Tundra
While we in the Maryland-DC region are in the midst of summer, Drs. Petya Campbell and Fred Huemmrich (both 618/UMBC) are in the Arctic Tundra, "the coldest ecological community." They're conducting research with fellow colleagues plus students from Michigan's Grand Valley State University as part of the "NASA Terrestrial Ecology program's Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE), a large-scale field study in Alaska and western Canada, whose overall goals are to make use of NASA technology to gain a better understanding of ecosystems at high latitudes, their responses to environmental change, and the effects of those changes." Read about their research and experiences in their Notes from the Field: Spring Greening in the Arctic Tundra, part of the NASA Earth Observatory.
Posted: July 15, 2022, 11:54 AM