GESTAR II members recognized at 610AT Awards Ceremony
On December 6, 2022, the Code 610-Atmospheres (610-AT) Peer Awards Ceremony was held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Among the awardees were several GESTAR II members. Congratulations to all!
Andrew Swanson (614/UMBC) and Reem Hannun (614/UMBC) were recipients of the Distinguished Contribution Group Award: For the successful first flight of the NO2 sonde instrument.
Sujung Go (613/UMBC) received the Best Science Nugget Award: For conveying succinctly in the ESRP format the importance and innovation of the ability to retrieve dust composition from space.
Ghassan Taha (614/MSU) received the Best Science Nugget Award: For succinctly summarizing in the ESRP format the use of OMPS LP aerosol measurements to track the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic plume in the upper and middle stratosphere.
Tianle Yuan (613/UMBC) received the Best Senior Author Publication Award: For leading a cutting-edge paper connecting the traffic of ships to their cloud imprint.
Jerald Ziemke (614/MSU) received the Best Senior Author Publication Award: For work over several decades on creating NASA's satellite-based tropospheric ozone dataset used in his 2022 JRL manuscript.
Posted: December 9, 2022, 1:44 PM