Sayer, Huemmrich and Cetinic part of PACE story
In the NASA PACE Mission's blog entry titled "The Journey of a Carbon Atom: From Space, NASA's PACE Mission Detects Carbon in the Sky, Land, and Sea," Erica McNamee, Science Writer at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, provides an overview of what kinds of discoveries will be possible from the PACE mission's instruments and objectives. Andy Sayer (616/UMBC), Fred Huemmrich (618/UMBC), and Ivona Cetinic (616/MSU) all contributed to this blog entry. The HARP2 on PACE instrument is also featured, led by Vanderlei Martins (616/UMBC) and colleagues at the Earth and Space Institute at UMBC.
Posted: March 22, 2023, 4:07 PM