GESTAR II Seminar Series, June 27 at 1:00pm
Join us for a virtual seminar by Dr. Xubin Zeng, Professor, Atmospheric Sciences and Director, Climate Dynamics and Hydrometeorology, University of Arizona. His talk is titled "Clouds, precipitation, and organized convection: from land surface effect to a new satellite wind mission concept."
Date and Time: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 1:00pm
Join us via Teams.
"Clouds, precipitation, and organized convection are key processes of the atmosphere. They strongly interact with dynamic, thermodynamic, and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere, and are also coupled with land and ocean surface processes in the Earth system. In this lecture, I will overview our recent efforts on these topics, including:
- the pathway for land surface conditions to affect local afternoon rainfall;
- the evaluation of satellite precipitation products over coastal land versus ocean in the U.S.: does coastal land have more rainfall and extreme events than coastal ocean?
- the precondition for the occurrence of organized convection over tropical ocean and land: are the precursors the same over land versus ocean or over different ocean basins?
- a new satellite wind mission concept (Vientos) that combines wind lidar measurements with feature-tracking three-dimensional atmospheric wind from water vapor sounding data."
Dr. Xubin Zeng is the Agnese N. Haury Chair and professor at the University of Arizona, and affiliated professor in Applied Mathematics, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, and Global Change Interdisciplinary Programs. His research has focused on land-atmosphere-ocean interface processes, weather and climate modeling, hydrometeorology, remote sensing, nonlinear dynamics, and big data analytics.
He is a fellow of AMS, AAAS, and AGU. He received the National Science Foundation Special Creativity Award and the AMS Charles Franklin Brooks Award for Outstanding Service to the Society.
He has held numerous leadership positions at national and international organizations, including currently co-chairing the Scientific Steering Group of Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) - a core project of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), chairing the WCRP Global Precipitation Experiment (GPEX) Science Plan Development Team, and serving on the NASA Earth Science Decadal Survey Midterm Assessment Committee.
For more information on the GESTAR II Seminar Series, click here.
Posted: June 21, 2023, 9:41 AM