Shuman contributes to NSIDC Ice Sheets Today
In October 2023, the National Snow and Ice Data Center introduced a new site called "Ice Sheets Today." In its first post from December 2023, "Antarctic melt season off to fast start; Greenland 2023 melt season review," topics focus on Current Conditions, Conditions in Context, Antarctica's snow input above average in November, Greenland's 2023 melt season in review, and Reaching and almost reaching the summit. (The summit refers to Summit Station, Greenland.)
Christopher Shuman (615/UMBC) and a fellow colleague contribute detailed data to the final topic, showing "air temperatures at Summit Station, Greenland, between June 1 - Sept 16 for 2012, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023, all years with melting or near-melting conditions at that site ... ," in addition to more information on temperatures throughout the years at the summit.
Read the entire post here.
Posted: January 3, 2024, 9:56 AM