GESTAR II Researchers receive Code 613 Awards
On Friday, February 2, 2024, the NASA GSFC Climate and Radiation Laboratory (Code 613) held its annual winter party and award ceremony. Among the awardees were several GESTAR II scientists. Each recipient received a plaque from Lab Chief Dr. Lazaros Oreopoulos. Congratulations to all!
Tamas Varnai and Jae Lee, Scientific Leadership Awards:
Tamas Varnai (613/UMBC): "For breakthroughs in our understanding of terrestrial glint signals from deep space."
Jae Lee (613/UMBC), "For outstanding leadership in sun-climate research."
Daeho Jin (613/UMBC), Best First-Author paper: "For a paper unveiling how the seasonally asymmetric effects of ENSO obscure true cloud feedback."
Guoyong Wen (613/MSU), Best First-Author paper: "For a paper where biases of passive aerosol property retrievals amidst clouds are thoroughly assessed and corrected.”
MAIAC Group Award, which includes Myungje Choi (613/UMBC), Sergey Korkin (613/UMBC), Sujung Go (613/UMBC), and Yujie Wang (613/UMBC): "For a true team effort that culminated in the v3 MAIAC EPIC algorithm and the re-processing of EPIC data."
Posted: February 2, 2024, 2:42 PM