Two talks kick-start GESTAR II students seminar series 2024
On February 15, 2024, the GESTAR II graduate student seminar series Spring 2024 kicked off with two excellent presentations by NASA and GESTAR II scientists to the GESTAR II graduate students.
First, Dr. Jeremy Werdell (NASA GSFC/616), Project Scientist of PACE mission, presented "Keeping PACE with the NASA Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission."
Second, Dr. Anne Thompson (614/UMBC), Senior Research Scientist, presented "Satellite and Ship-based Views of Gulf of Mexico Air Pollution: The SCOAPE Project" (authored by Dr. Thompson, Ryan Stauffer (NASA GSFC), and Debra Kollonige (NASA GSFC/SSAI); Dr. Kollonige is an alumna of UMBC (Ph.D. 2011).
This seminar series holds seminars from 1-2pm each Thursday from 02/09/2024 - 05/09/2024 in the UMBC Physics Building, Room 401. For additional information, please contact Zhibo Zhang, Professor of Physics,
Dr. Werdell presenting to seminar attendees.
Dr. Thompson presenting to seminar attendees.
(Photo Credits: Z. Zhang.)
Posted: February 16, 2024, 4:44 PM