Shuman co-authors AGU Eos article on Landsat and LEAP
Christopher Shuman (615/UMBC) is a co-author of a recent article published in Eos, the award-winning science news magazine published by AGU. The article is titled "Monitoring Polar Ice Change in the Twilight Zone."
"A new acquisition plan for the Landsat 8 and 9 satellites, dubbed Landsat Extended Acquisition of the Poles (LEAP) and first implemented in 2022, has greatly improved coverage during low- and even no-light seasons." Dr. Shuman explains, "These ongoing LEAP acquisitions will extend our understanding of multiple polar systems by augmenting Landsat's 50+ year-long record of Earth observations. By extending Landsat views through periods of polar darkness, new insights on cryospheric processes will be developed."
Posted: February 27, 2024, 2:38 PM