GESTAR II researchers publish as lead and co-authors
GESTAR II researchers have published as lead author and co-author during the past few weeks. Here are some select citations.
McGrath-Spangler, E. L. (610.1/MSU), N. C. Prive' (610.1/MSU), B. M. Karpowicz (610.1/UMBC), I. Moradi, and A. K. Heidinger (2024), Using OSSEs to Evaluate GXS Impact in the Context of International Coordination. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.,
Collow, A. B. (610.1/UMBC), P. Colarco, A. da Silva, V. Buchard (610.1/UMBC), H. Bian (614/UMBC), M. Chin, S. Das, R. Govindaraju, D. Kim (614/UMBC), and V. Aquila (2024), Benchmarking GOCART-2G in the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS), Geosci. Model Dev., 17,
Bian, H. (614/UMBC), M. Chin, P. Colarco, E. Apel, D. Blake, K. Froyd, R. Hornbrook, J. Jimenez, P. Jost, M. Lawler, et al. (2024), Observationally constrained analysis of sulfur cycle in the marine atmosphere with NASA ATom measurements and AeroCom model simulations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24,
Huang, S. (61A/UMBC) and J. Sauber (2024), Leveraging multi-primary PS-InSAR configurations for the robust estimation of coastal subsidence, IEEE Geosci. Rem. Sens. Lett., 21,
Amatya, P. (617/UMBC), R. Emberson (617/UMBC), and D. Kirschbaum (2024), Multitemporal landslide inventory and susceptibility map for the Arun River Basin, Nepal, Geosci. Data J.,
Hall, K. R., H. Wang, A. H. Souri (614/MSU), X. Liu, and K. Chance (2024), Ozone Anomalies in Dry Intrusions Associated with Atmospheric Rivers, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos, 129 (4),
Zheng, J. (613/UMBC), Z. Zhang (613/UMBC), S. DeSouza-Machado (UMBC), C.L. Ryder, A. Garnier, C. Di Biagio, P. Yang, E. J. Welton, H. Yu, A. Barreto, and M.Y. Gonzalez (2024), Assessment of Dust Size Retrievals Based on AERONET: A Case Study of Radiative Closure from Visible-Near-Infrared to Thermal Infrared, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
Choi, M. (613/UMBC), A. Lyapustin, Y. Wang (613/UMBC), C.J. Tucker, M. Khan, F. Policelli, C.S.R. Neigh, and A. A. Hal (2024), Calibration of Maxar constellation over Libya-4 Site using MAIAC technique, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Observ. Rem. Sens.,
Posted: March 1, 2024, 4:18 PM