Fox and Salinas receive Funding for Proposals
Andrew Fox (610.1/MSU) is PI of a proposal titled "Enhancing Coupled Land-Atmosphere Reanalysis Through the Assimilation of CYGNSS Soil Moisture Retrievals," which was selected for funding. The proposal was submitted to NASA ROSES-23 A.26 CYGNSS Competed Science Team; Rolf Reichle (GSFC/610.1) and Qing Liu (SSAI/610.1) are the other team members. The tentative period of performance is 08/01/24 - 07/31/27.
Jude Salinas (613/UMBC) is PI of a proposal titled "Investigation of Global Ionospheric Conductivity Variabilities driven by E-region electron density," which was selected for funding. The team members include Co-I's Dong Wu (GSFC), Nimalan Swarnalingam (GSFC/CUA) and USAF Major Daniel Emmons (Air Force Inst. of Technology), and collaborators Yosuke Yamazaki and Jorge Chau (Leibniz Inst. of Atmos. Physics, Germany). This proposal was submitted to NASA Headquarters' 2023 NASA Living with a Star Science program call. The period of performance is 06/07/24 - 06/06/28. Dr. Salinas adds that "One great facet of the NASA Living With A Star solicitation is that the awarded teams are required to work together."
Posted: June 24, 2024, 10:31 AM