GESTAR II Scientists receive recognition at GMAO Peer Awards Ceremony
On Thursday, December 19, 2024, the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA GSFC held its annual Peer Awards Ceremony. Several GESTAR II researchers were recognized for their accomplishments throughout this year. Congratulations to all!
Allie Collow (610.1/UMBC): Scientific Achievement, MERRA-21C Team – “For your outstanding work toward the development of GMAO’s latest reanalysis, MERRA-21C. Your contributions helped with assembling the observing system, then modeling, testing, evaluation, and finally production. … .”
Emma Knowland (610.1/MSU): Science Support – “For your exceptional leadership and scientific contributions to GMAO atmospheric composition projects. You have worked as a lead scientist for GMAO’s GEOS-Composition Forecast (GEOS-CF) system since its inception… . For your work with the SAGE III/ISS Instrument Team, leadership of a NASA Applied Sciences project …, and membership on the WMO Global Air Quality Forecast and Information System (GAFIS) Steering Committee … .”
GEOS-CF Team Members Emma Knowland (610.1/MSU), Carl Malings (610.1/MSU), Viral Shah (610.1/MSU), and Pamela Wales (610.1/MSU):
Emma Knowland: Scientific Achievement, GEOS-CF Team Leader – “For your exceptional leadership and scientific contributions to GMAO atmospheric composition projects as lead scientist for GMAO’s GEOS-Composition Forecast (GEOS-CF) system. Your efforts have been critical in the success of GEOS-CF as a widely used tool for atmospheric chemistry research and applications. …”
Carl Malings, Viral Shah, and Pam Wales: Scientific Achievement, GEOS-CF Team Members – “For your outstanding work toward the success of GMAO’s GEOS-Composition Forecast (GEOS-CF) system. … Your efforts have been critical in making GEOS-CF a widely used tool for atmospheric chemistry research and applications. … Your contributions have been instrumental in coordinating the upcoming release of the new version of GEOS-CF and defining the vision for atmospheric composition modeling at the GMAO. … .”
Natalie Thomas (610.1/UMBC): Collaboration – “For your dedication to the management and organization of our National Climate Assessment (NCA) group meetings and your contributions to group analysis and publications. …”
Eun-Gyeong Yang (610.1/UMBC): Outstanding Contribution by New GMAO Member – For your role “as an integral new member and especially acknowledging your contributions to GMAO’s Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) data assimilation project of the NASA Decadal Survey Incubation Program. …”
Meng Zhou (610.1/UMBC): Outstanding Contribution by New GMAO Member – For your role “as an integral new member. Your scientific contributions to the development of the MonteCarlo Bi-phasic Fire Property (McBEF) Algorithm and continued enhancement of the Fire Light Detection Algorithm (FILDA) have been outstanding. …”
Posted: December 20, 2024, 4:40 PM