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Tan selected for a 2022 NASA Agency Honor Award

Congratulations to Jackson Tan (613/UMBC), who has been selected to receive one of NASA's prestigious awards, the Agency Honor Award! These awards acknowledge individuals and teams who show...

Posted: March 22, 2023, 2:05 PM

GESTAR II and CSST II researchers awarded CIDER funding

This year, UMBC's Office of Research Development introduced the new CIDER (Center and Institute Departmentally-Engaged Research) program. According to a recent UMBC article, "This internal funding...

Posted: March 17, 2023, 12:35 PM

Tokay publishes two lead author papers

Ali Tokay (612/UMBC) recently published lead author papers in the Journal of Hydrometeorology and in the Journal of Applied Meteorology Climatology. Both papers reference the use of the...

Posted: March 15, 2023, 1:19 PM

Arteaga published in Nature's Communications Biology

Lionel Arteaga (610.1/UMBC) has published a lead author article today in the Nature journal Communications Biology titled "Impact of Pacific Ocean heatwaves on phytoplankton community composition"...

Posted: March 13, 2023, 12:09 PM

GESTAR II Seminar Series, March 9th at 11:00am

Join us for a virtual seminar by Dr. Clement Guilloteau, Research Scientist, University of California Irvine. His talk is titled "The representation of extremes in global precipitation records: a...

Posted: March 3, 2023, 4:00 PM

Publications led and co-authored by GESTAR II scientists

The following are recent select articles with GESTAR II researchers as either lead or co-author(s): Dandridge, C., Stanley, T.A. (617/UMBC), Kirschbaum, D.B., and Lakshmi, V. (2023), Spatial...

Posted: February 24, 2023, 1:58 PM

GESTAR II Seminar Series *note: rescheduled

***RESCHEDULED FOR May 23, 2023! Join us for a virtual seminar by Dr. Christine Chiu, Professor of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University. Her talk is titled "Clouds and aerosols laid...

Posted: February 22, 2023, 12:40 PM

Lamsal Contributes to OMI NO2 SVS Visualization

Lok Lamsal (614/UMBC) is one of two scientists involved with the NASA Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS) product, "Nitrogen Dioxide Over the United States, 2005-2022." Dr. Lamsal works with...

Posted: February 17, 2023, 11:05 AM

Amatya's Proposal Selected for Funding

Pukar Amatya (617/UMBC) is the PI of the proposal "Evaluation of ICEYE data for landslide disaster response product generation," which was selected for funding. His team includes Co-I Mark Carroll...

Posted: February 16, 2023, 3:39 PM

NASA Documentary to be shown at Morgan State University

NASA and the CIAA invite students and faculty in the Baltimore area to watch "The Color of Space," an inspirational documentary by NASA that tells the stories of Black Americans determined to...

Posted: February 16, 2023, 3:25 PM